This website uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to our cookie policy.
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Transact Pro Cookie Policy
Cookies are small size files sent by the website, which are saved on website visitors device. Cookies help website to identity the visitor and keep track of his interactions for later use, i.e. setting language preference. Cookies are used in most websites, in detail this mechanic is defined in RFC6265.
Transact Pro uses cookies to assure security and privacy in payment service provision process, i.e. to save user authentication information in online banking service. Cookies are as well used to optimize our websites and improve our user experience, by analyzing website visitor interactions using 3rd party solutions. For this analysis Google inc. tool Google Analyitics and Yandex LLC tool Yandex Metrica are used, you can learn more about those solutions privacy policies and terms of use in their respective webpages: Google Analytics privacy and terms, Yandex Metrica privacy and terms.